Tummy Tuck


Over time, factors like pregnancy, weight loss, and aging can lead to loose skin and extra fat around the belly area. Pregnancy can also cause a woman’s abdominal muscles to split in the middle (diastasis recti). Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) is a surgical procedure designed to remove extra skin and fat from the abdomen while also tightening the muscles of the abdominal wall.

It's often paired with liposuction to enhance the overall shape and achieve a smoother, more defined contour.

It is not a treatment for being overweight.

  • Scars are placed as low as possible from hip to hip. There is also a small scar around the belly button. (umbilicus)

  • The procedure is carried out under general anesthesia.

  • Procedure time is approximately 3 hours, with a recovery time of 2 weeks.

  • Exercise may resume at 4-6 weeks

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