Resources for patients
Please use these resources to help you prepare for your surgery.
Call us or send us a message if you have any questions.
Pre-operative Shopping List
Tylenol Extra Strength (500 mg tabs) – which is available over the counter.
Gravol (in case of nausea) – you may take this at any time during your recovery period.
Dulcolax or Colace (laxative) may be taken after your surgery for constipation.
Gel ice packs (or small bags of frozen peas to reduce swelling).
Pre-operative Instructions
Health Changes: Notify our office immediately if your health changes or if you catch a cold, flu, or other illnesses within a week before surgery.
Medications: Cease blood thinners two weeks prior. Ensure Dr. Mahoney is aware if you're on prescription blood thinners.
(e.g., Aspirin, Ibuprofen, Coumadin)
Supplements: Stop Vitamin E and other supplements two weeks prior as they may hinder healing.
(e.g., omega-3, fish oil, ginko, garlic, ginseng)
Alcohol: Avoid alcohol one week before and two weeks after surgery to prevent medication interference and healing issues.
Nicotine: Avoid smoking, nicotine patches, or gum four weeks before and after surgery to prevent delayed healing and complications.
Hygiene: Shower the night before and the morning of surgery. Avoid lotions or creams 24 hours prior.
Fasting: No food or drink after midnight before surgery.
Clothing: Wear comfy clothes, avoid valuables/jewelry. Prefer a front-button or zip-up top.
Cosmetics: No nail polish, makeup, or moisturizer on surgery day.
Breast Surgery: Discuss with Dr. Mahoney about bringing a comfy sports bra.
Questions: Call us anytime for surgery prep queries.
Post-operative Instructions
First Night: Have a relative or friend stay with you.
Hygiene: Dr. Mahoney will advise on bathing/showering per your procedure.
Diet: Boost healing with Vitamin C, Zinc, and a high-protein diet.
Pain Management: Take Acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) as needed, or other prescribed pain meds strictly as directed.
Smoking: Avoid smoking to ensure proper healing and minimize complications.
Activity Restrictions: No exercises or heavy lifting for at least two weeks post-surgery. Dr. Mahoney will discuss post-op restrictions.
Coordination: Avoid driving or tasks requiring coordination for 24 hours post-anesthetic due to potential dizziness/drowsiness.
Post-Op Hygiene: Post initial appointment, bathe/shower daily, pat incisions dry gently. If stereo-strip tapes peel off, pat dry and re-apply dressing as instructed.